Six selected LabEx IGO projects were awarded 40 k€ each

January 2023: The LabEx IGO is pleased to announce the results of its 2022 internal call.

The Scientific Advisory Board members selected 6 projects, to be awarded 40 000 € each, for 2 years.
The objective of this call was to support the emergence of original and innovative or at risk projects that could be submitted to national (ex: ANR, INCA) or European calls.
The LabEx IGO was initially only supposed to finance 5 projects, however, in order to respect the ratings assigned by the SAB, the Steering Committee decided to finance one additional project.

Discover the 6 awarded projects:

David Laplaud - CR2TI UMR1064
MS clone tracking: Tracking T cell clones from the periphery to the central nervous system in multiple sclerosis
Download the abstract

Jérôme Jullien
- CR2TI UMR1064
EpiMyco: Epigenetic programming of macrophages upon exposure to Mycobacterium ligand
Download the abstract

Nicolas Degauque
- CR2TI UMR1064
RT8BKT: Regulation of TEMRA CD8 T cells by B cell subsets in kidney transplantation
Download the abstract

Christelle Harly -
EUH: Engineering γ9δ2 T cells to understand and harness thier anti-tumor potential
Download the abstract

Matthieu Giraud
- CR2TI UMR1064
Self-HIVEP: A new rat model to study the control of immune central tolerance by the HIVEP3 transcription factor
Download the abstract

Lise Boussemart
DeMIM: Dermatoheliosis, tumor Mutation burden and Immune responses in Melanoma patients
Download the abstract
Mis à jour le 13 January 2023.